Documents Proving Previous Education
One of the conditions for being able to study at a university level, and hence for enrolling to our bachelor programme, is that the applicant has to prove the completion of secondary education.
Summary of the requested documents
Deadline: scanned copies as soon as the documents become available; hard copies at the latest by 1st July. Take into consideration the amount of time it takes for the documents to be delivered by postal service.
Form: Electronical (scanned copies), as well as hard copies, are required. Applicants should not submit the originals but the certified copies. The documents will not be returned, they have to be archived at VSE.
Way of submission: upload the scanned documents to your e-application in InSIS, wait for the approval and then deliver the HARD copies to the IBB Office or Legal Department (postal addresses at the bottom of this webpage).
List of the documents proving secondary education:
- a secondary school leaving certificate/diploma
Plus, the applicants that received their secondary education abroad (outside of the Czech Republic) have to submit also:
- EITHER a confirmation of eligibility to apply for a bachelor program,
- OR a nostrification clause.
The documents have to be notarized translations into the Czech or English language if originally not in Czech, Slovak or English.
The school-leaving certificates issued by a secondary school located abroad do not need authentication of signatures and stamps. In other words, you do not need to get Apostille or super-legalisation.
Details on the individual requested documents
Secondary school leaving certificate/diploma
- Do not submit the originals but only its certified copies. The documents will not be returned.
- Usually, notaries can make certified copies. In the Czech Republic, you can also get a certified copy at the so-called Czech-POINT (located at post offices, town/city hall, etc.).
Confirmation of eligibility to apply for a bachelor program
- A document issued by a particular secondary school abroad (or by any other authorised body in the respective country), which states, that the secondary school leaver is entitled to attend a bachelor’s degree program.
- Applicants can submit the original if issued in Czech or English.
Exceptions: The confirmation of eligibility is NOT required ONLY from applicants who already have a nostrification clause, or who have or are about to have:
- a Czech secondary school leaving certificate called “Maturitní Vysvědčení”,
- a secondary school leaving certificates from:
- Slovakia called “Maturitné Vysvedčenie”,
- Poland called “Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci”,
- Hungary called “Érettségi Bizonyítvány”,
- Slovenia (certificates issued by the state schools),
since these certificates are automatically equivalent to the Czech secondary school leaving certificate due to certain international agreements.
- The applicants with a secondary school leaving certificate from Germany called “Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife” are required to submit the confirmation of eligibility, BUT, the University will always give a positive result of such assessment, i.e. the education will be recognized.
Nostrification clause
- It is a document that proves general recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign document concerning receiving secondary education in the Czech Republic. It is issued by the Czech state authorities.
- Obviously, applicants, who already have a nostrification clause, are NOT required to submit the confirmation of eligibility to apply for a bachelor program and do NOT submit an official electronic request for recognition of education received abroad. They will submit the nostrification clause to IBB Office.
- Do not submit the original nostrification clause but only its certified copies. The document will not be returned.
Nostrification clause Vs. VSE Assessment of previous education
- A nostrification clause is a document that proves general recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign document concerning receiving secondary education in the Czech Republic. In other words, the nostrification clause is valid at every university in the Czech Republic, whereas the Assessment of the applicant’s previous education issued by our Legal Department is valid only at our University. It cannot be used for admission to any other university in the Czech Republic.
Where to deliver the hard copies of the documents proving secondary education?
Applicants, who are NOT required to submit a confirmation of eligibility to apply for a bachelor program OR already have the nostrification clause (i.e. their previous education was already recognised by the Czech state authorities), have to deliver the HARD copies of the relevant documents to the address of the IBB Office:
VSE Prague
Faculty of International Relations (FMV)
IBB OFFICE – Bianca Seppová
nam. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic
Applicants, who received their secondary education abroad and do not have the nostrification clause, have to ask the University for recognition of their foreign secondary education by submitting an official electronic request. Afterwards, they have to send the HARD copies of the relevant documents to our Legal Department:
VSE Prague
Legal Department (Pravni oddeleni)
nam. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic
More information about the process of assessing previous education can be found on this page.