Digitally Signed Confirmations

Students can generate electronic PDF versions of:

  • the study confirmation for the current semester,
  • the study progress confirmation,
  • and the transcript of records.

These documents with a digital seal/signature can be obtained in InSIS. This digital signature verifies the validity of the document, the file should be accepted by all authorities and companies as well as the existing paper confirmation with a stamp.

The procedure is simple: Click on the new Electronic Confirmation of Study button in the Student Portal in the application Student Confirmation. The Confirmation of Study is generated and forwarded for background digital signing. Within an hour, the digitally signed file will be available for download in your document storage.

An electronic study confirmation is issued for the current semester. Confirmation can be in Czech or English – the language depends on whether you have set up a Czech or English language environment in InSIS.

The signature’s authenticity can be verified in standalone PDF viewing applications such as Acrobat Reader. Digital signatures cannot be validated when viewing files in a web browser.

Such documents can be easily converted to hard copies at postal offices with CzechPonit Service. Instructions are in the students’ intranet and in the attachment at the bottom of this page.

In the case that you need a confirmation of study in paper form, please, see the Office Hours of the IBB administrative coordinator in InSIS – Persons at VŠE – Mgr. Petra Pražanová.