Entrance Exam

The entrance examination has a long-distance form; therefore, applicants do not need to come to the University in person and sit the exam.

The entrance exam for the IBB program is an In-depth Admission Interview.

No English language test or language proficiency certificate is required, nevertheless, a level of proficiency in English, equivalent to B2 level, is recommended to be able to start studies in English.

Please, see the specifics of our interview below:

In-depth Admission Interview

The aim of our admission interview is to find out the motivation to study and to check the knowledge of the English language. It is not to test you on knowledge on specific issues, it is rather about the level of your proficiency in English. The interview is conducted only with the applicants, who meet the application deadline of 28th February or 30th April at 10:00 CEST (Prague time zone).


The interviews will be held in March (1st round) or May (2nd round); in 2025.


IBB admission interview topics can be downloaded in our Appendix to the application form.

Please note that the specific topic for each applicant’s exam will not be self-selected but will instead be determined by the committee. This approach ensures a fair and balanced assessment for all candidates. As such, we encourage you to prepare thoroughly for all five topics to ensure that you are well-equipped to demonstrate your capabilities, regardless of the topic assigned.


The interview will be done online via the MS TEAMS app, which can be downloaded from its official website.

Evaluation and results:

The interview will assess the applicant’s study motivation, English language proficiency and abilities to discuss an assigned topic. Applicants have to score a minimum of 50 points out of 100 points, which is a maximum. At the same time, they have to meet the point limit for the minimum point count declared by the Dean of the Faculty.

The final decision on admission / non-admission is usually made around the mid of March (1st round) / May (2nd round) and the results are announced straight after it.