
Open Days of all VŠE Faculties /17.12./

Do you want to improve your knowledge in the international environment? Do you have questions regarding the admission procedure, process of the course of studies or student life at FIR? Then you shall not miss out on the University Open Door VŠE! The FIR representatives are professors and current students who will be at your […]

Open Days of all VŠE Faculties /17.12./

3. 12. 2019: Lecture: „ASEAN’s Economic Powerhouse amidst Strategic Power Balance and Diversity“

The Faculty of International Relations (FIR), Center for Asian Studies (University of Economics, Prague) and embassies of ASEAN countries in the Czech Republic would like to invite you to the ASEAN Lecture and Discussion: ASEAN’s Economic Powerhouse amidst Strategic Power Balance and Diversity. The event will take place on December 3 (2019), at the University of […]

3. 12. 2019: Lecture: „ASEAN’s Economic Powerhouse amidst Strategic Power Balance and Diversity“

The Result of Dean’s Election at FIR

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations has recently elected the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations from the 1st of February 2020 until the 31st of January 2024. Prof. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D. is an International Business of Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics, Prague graduate. He works for the […]

The Result of Dean’s Election at FIR

Study abroad and double-degree information meeting – Nov. 29, 2pm

IBB office organizes for you a study abroad meeting with special focus on our two new double-degree options. The meeting is going to be held next Friday, November 29, from 2pm till 3pm in the room RB209. You will obtain detailed information from the International Office of VSE, representatives of both double-degree institutions (University of […]

Study abroad and double-degree information meeting – Nov. 29, 2pm

VŠE invites you to Ball /4. 12./

The University of Economics, Prague invites you to attend the Ball. It will take place on December 4 in Lucerna Grand Hall. You can look forward to a great program, 3 halls, 3 500 people, and a lot of fun, music and dance. Dress code: black tie Style: Black & White Ticket sale: 11.-15. 11. […]

VŠE invites you to Ball /4. 12./

International & Study Abroad Fair 2019

International Office of the University of Economics, Prague would like to invite you to its event International & Study Abroad Fair 2019, which will be held on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 in the Atrium RB. The event aims at all students interested in study abroad. You will gain here information about possibilities of study abroad as […]

International & Study Abroad Fair 2019

Academic Psychological Counselling offers coaching sessions for students

The Academic Psychological Counselling offers coaching sessions for students dealing with issues related with decreasing study performance, such as while writing bachelor or master thesis. There is a possibility to try what is coaching like. The sessions are focused on enhancing one’s power and motivation in order to improve study performance. Possible dates for registration […]

Academic Psychological Counselling offers coaching sessions for students

IBB Alumni Reunion

IBB Alumni Reunion We are pleased to invite IBB graduates to gather and re-connect at the first IBB Alumni Reunion! Come and share personal as well as professional experience with your former classmates and other alumni. IBB Alumni Reunion will take place on November 9, 2019 in the framework of the Alumni Evening at VŠE […]

IBB Alumni Reunion