
19th Workshop on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies /20.-21. 6./

The 19th Workshop on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies will take place on Thursday, June 20, to Friday, June 21, at the Department of Management Accounting, University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). The workshop aims to bring together academics working on accounting and finance issues concerning emerging economies. The workshop aims to: raise the level […]

19th Workshop on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies /20.-21. 6./

Promo photo shooting of FIR students

Do you want to appear on faculty brochures and shine on promo materials? We are looking for new faces of the Faculty! Terms: May 16 or 17, 2019 from 9:00 am (in the city center) from 12:00 pm (at VŠE) from 15:00 pm (in the city center) Given that promo photos will be taken outside, […]

Promo photo shooting of FIR students

University of Economics, Prague has launched an app for assessing applicants’ previous education received abroad

The app by the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) has been launched on April 15, 2019 and is available for applicants of International Degree Programs:   International Business, International Business – Central European Business Realities, International and Diplomatic Studies, Economics of Globalization and European Integration The University of Economics, Prague can assess its applicants’ previous […]

University of Economics, Prague has launched an app for assessing applicants’ previous education received abroad

Just a friendly reminder … the upcoming holidays!

Just a friendly reminder … Public holidays Fri – 19 April 2019 Mon – 22 April 2019 Wed – 1 May 2019 Wed – 8 May 2019 Holidays Thu – 18 April Dean’s Day Thu – 25 April 2019 Rector’s Sports Day No lectures held on these days. 🙂

Just a friendly reminder … the upcoming holidays!

Rector’s Sports Day on 25/4/2019! Join the University Event

VŠELYMPIÁDA is a new event of our University related to a Rector’s sports day. There is no school on Thursday 25/4 so you can enjoy a nice and entertaining afternoon at the Jarov dorms. There will be a big stage at the Jarov dorms. You could see the musical stars of our university: DJ EL FILI, […]

Rector’s Sports Day on 25/4/2019! Join the University Event

FIR has become a partner of beneficent run “Ramaton”. Come and run with us on May 16!

The 7th edition of beneficent run Ramaton will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2019 from 18.30 pm in Stromovka park. The whole profit from the event will be transferred to a non-profit organization Ramus. The route is 4.3 km and 8.6 km long and since the faculty is a partner of Ramaton again, its […]

FIR has become a partner of beneficent run “Ramaton”. Come and run with us on May 16!

European Day at VŠE: 15 years in the EU. What did Czech membership bring?

The Centre of European Studies, FIR, University of Economics, Prague, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, invites you to the 11th European Day at the University of Economics, Prague. The event will take place on April 17, 2019, traditionally at the Academic Club. The topic of this year’s conference will be focusing on the Czech Republic’s […]

European Day at VŠE: 15 years in the EU. What did Czech membership bring?

Newly named dormitories: Palach, Eisler and Thaler dorms

VŠE students live on newly named dormitories Palach, Eisler and Thaler dorms. VŠE has decided to express its appreciation to these three important personalities connected with the school. A memorial plaque of Jan Palach was also installed in the dormitory area. The present Jarov I A, B, C, D is now called the Palach Dormitories. […]

Newly named dormitories: Palach, Eisler and Thaler dorms

Scholarship offer | Study at Josai University (Japan)

Josai University Educational Corporation provides students of Czech universities with an opportunity to spend one academic year in Japan in the framework of the scholarship program The Mizuta Scholarship. The bigger part of expenses associated with travel, accommodation, and studies are to be covered with the scholarship provided by the Japan side. Minimum knowledge of […]

Scholarship offer | Study at Josai University (Japan)

“Run with FIR” in the summer semester!

The summer semester is in a full swing! Days are getting longer; birds start singing; and we are about to launch our traditional “Run with FIR”! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to meet the Dean in person in an informal atmosphere, make new acquaintances, and improve your health condition. No matter whether you are […]

“Run with FIR” in the summer semester!